A guide to different types of Washing Machines

Technology has made significant changes from the past. Earlier, our ancestors washed clothes in the nearby ponds, lakes or rivers. Our great grandmothers did not go out to work and attended household chores. Dive to the present and we find that in an urban family, parents go to work, and children are in schools or colleges. With the coming of improved and advanced electronic appliances, the need of housemaids has decreased as well. Yes, today the need to ease manual labour with the help of electronic devices have risen to a great extent. To wash dishes, there is a dishwasher, for clothes, there is a washing machine and even for cleaning the house, there are vacuum cleaners. In this article, we will explore the various nuances and types of washing machines. image source: wikihow Front-load washers found in all semi-automatic machines have been in use for many years, most often in commercial laundries. Appliance manufacturers have more recently developed new models of fro...